Knowledge Tree
From PAWS Lab
Knowledge Tree is a learning management system
ER Model and RDF Bindings
- Node
- hasChildNode
- hasParentNode
- {ordered list of subordinates}
- {weight of subordinate}
- hasCreator
- creationDate
- modificationDate
- nodeTitle
- nodeDescription
- hasExternalResource
- hasNodeType
- hasURL
- hasURI
- icon
- isFolder
- User
- Group
- hasMember
- isMemberOf
- hasURI
- hasLogin
- hasName
- hasPass
- isGroup
- hasEmail
- hasOrganization
- hasCity
- hasCountry
- hasNote
- Right
- hasTargetAgent
- hasRightType
- hasParentNodeType
- hasChildNodeType
- hasSubtreeNode
- hasQuantity
- hasDescription
- hasOwnerFlag
- Concept/Tag
- hasCreator
- creationDate
- modificationDate
- conceptTitle
- NodeConcept
- hasNode
- hasConcept
- relationType
- hasCreator
- creationDate
- ConceptConcept
- hasSuperordinate
- hasSubordinate
- UserConcept
- hasUser
- hasConcept
- creationDate
- ItemType
- RightType
- NodeRating
- hasNode
- hasRatingValue
- isAnonymous
- hasComment
- hasUser
- creationDate
- modificationDate