From PAWS Lab
The following is an enumeration of properties from dcterms vocabulary of Dublin Core schema. dcterms vocabulary has no objects.
- abstract
- accessRights
- accuralMethod
- accrualPeriodicity
- accrualPolicy
- alternative
- audience
- available
- bibliographicCitation
- conformsTo
- created
- dateAccepted
- dateCopyrighted
- dateSubmitted
- educationLevel
- extent
- hasFormat
- hasPart
- hasVersion
- instructionalMethod
- isFormatOf
- isPartOf
- isReferencedBy
- isReplacedBy
- isRequiredBy
- issued
- isVersionOf
- license
- mediator
- medium
- modified
- provenance
- references
- replaces
- requires
- rightsHolder
- spatial
- tableOfContents
- temporal
- valid