From PAWS Lab
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About PAWS
Personalized Adaptive Web Systems Lab was established in 2004 with support from National Science Foundation and the School of Information Sciences at the University of Pittsburgh. The goal of the PAWS Lab is development and evaluation of innovative user- and group-adaptive Web-based technologies, systems, and architectures. The Lab currently explores a range of user modeling, adaptation and personalization technologies. The work of the Lab is supported by NSF and NIH funding.
Most Recent News
- Behnam Defends his PhD Thesis (details)
- Khushboo Thaker defends her PhD Thesis (details)
- PAWS Alumni Rosta Farzan and Claudia López co-chair ACM CSCW 2024 conference (details)
- Kamil's paper nominated for the Best Paper Award at EC-TEL 2024 (details)
- Rosta Farzan has been promoted to Full Professor at the University of Pittsburgh (details)
- Denis Parra serves as program co-chair of ACM IUI 2024 (details)
- Hung Chau defends his PhD Thesis (details)
- Sherry Sahebi has been promoted to Associate Professor at University at Albany SUNY (details)
- Sergey Sosnovsky has been promoted to Associate Professor at Utrecht University (details)
- Peter Brusilovsky receives 2023 Chancellor's Distinguished Research Award as a leader in the field of "cutting edge research"(details)
- Peter Brusilovsky receives Amazon Research Award (details)
- Chun-Hua "Ronald" Tsai receives best paper award at ACM Learning at Scale 2022 (details)
- Peter Brusilovsky receives an NIH grant to work on the personalized treatment of aphasia (details)
- PAWS team receives Best Demo Award at ACM RecSys 2021 (details)
- Sharon Hsiao joins Santa Clara University as an endowed assistant professor (details)
- PAWS takes over EDM 2021! (details)
- Kamil Akhuseyinoglu and Peter Brusilovsky win Best Paper Award at UMAP 2021 (details)
- Chun-Hua "Ronald" Tsai starts as a tenure-track assistant professor at the University of Nebraska Omaha in Fall 2021! (details)
- Sherry Sahebi receives NSF CAREER award! (details)
- Rosta Farzan is appointed Associate Dean for diversity, equity and inclusion at the School of Computing and Information (details)
- Chun-Hua Tsai defends his PhD Thesis and joins Penn State as Assistant Research Professor (details)
- Hung Chau wins the Best Paper award at the ACM, Association for Computing Machinery Learning at Scale Conference!(details)
- Prof. Peter Brusilovsky is awarded AMiner Most Influential Scholar Award in recognition of his contributions to the field of Recommender System by AMiner (details)
- Two PAWS graduates' papers were short-listed for the best paper award at EC-TEL 2018 (details)
Go to News Page for all news.
Check Demos of some of PAWS Lab systems Tools
- CARE: An Infrastructure for Evaluation of Carousel-Based Recommender Interfaces
- Programming Construction Examples (2017) with Self Explanations (2022)
- Grapevine (2021) - an interactive recommender system for finding research advisors
- Mastery Grids For Java (2017) - a personalized Java Programming Practice System
- Mastery Grids For Python (2017) - a personalized Python Programming Practice System
PAWS Lab Contact Information
Information Sciences Building, Rm. 2A04
135 North Bellefield Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15260, USA
Tel: +1(412)624-9437