Meeting Archives 2011 Fall

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2011 Spring

Meeting Time: Tuesday 3pm-4:30pm
Location: IS502



We had a guest lecture by Roman Bednarik, who was a visiting scholar in our Lab some years ago and know has come back has a visiting researcher. He introduced his research in the areas of Eye-tracking methodology, Eye-movement biometrics, and Program Visualization.


We had 2 guest lectures of fellow PhD students rehearsing for their prelimiary examination:

  • Jin Lei:
Online social networks (OSNs) are becoming increasingly popular and Identity Clone Attacks (ICAs) that aim at creating fake identities for malicious purposes on OSNs are becoming a significantly growing concern. Such attacks severely affect the trust relationships a victim has built with other users if no active protection is applied. In this paper, we first analyze and characterize the behaviors of ICAs. Then we propose a detection framework that is focused on discovering suspicious identities and then validating them. Towards detecting suspicious identities, we propose two approaches based on attribute similarity and similarity of friend networks. The first approach addresses a simpler scenario where mutual friends in friend networks are considered; and the second one captures the scenario where similar friend identities are involved. We also present experimental results to demonstrate flexibility and effectiveness of the proposed approaches. Finally, we discuss some feasible solutions to validate suspicious identities.

  • Patrick Dudas
Social Navigation is an intuitive ideology that provides an intelligent self-motivating mechanism that guides researchers to unknown yet important pieces or places of new information. Combining this and the developed visualization lends itself to a novel platform of discovery. Provided is a description of the application of social navigation and its adaption to 2D and 3D genomic interactive, cooperative visualizations. This is then tested with a front-end analysis and usability study to find synergy between the two designs and validate a visualization that is collaborative, interactive and instinctual to navigate these 2D and 3D genomic visualizations based on user’s annotations.




  • No meeting


  • No meeting


  • Denis
Implicit Feedback for recommender Systems:
  1. Yifan Hu, Yehuda Koren, Chris Volinsky, "Collaborative Filtering for Implicit Feedback Datasets," icdm, pp.263-272, 2008 Eighth IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, 2008
  2. Paper submited by Denis and Xavier Amatriain to UMAP 2011: "Walk the Talk", a study to map explicit and implicit feedback for users.



  • Claudia
  • Rosta


  • No meeting


  • No meeting


  • Jiepu Jiang
Scientometrics and Web 2.0:

In this presentation, we introduce our preliminary studies on using online social community based data for scholarly communication studies. First, we compare academic information in CiteULike with a traditional citation analysis dataset (using Web of Knowledge academic articles) from perspectives of articles, scholars (authors&users), and publications (journals/conferences). Second, we present preliminary results of using CiteULike scholarly communication data on two major scientometrics applications: evaluation of scholarly impacts, and clustering of academic resources.

  • Sherry
presents the paper "Sequential influence models in social networks" by Cosley, D.; Huttenlocher, D.; Kleinberg, J.; Lan, X.; Suri, S. presented at  ICWSM 2010 , International AAAI Conference on Weblogs and Social Media (2010)


  • Michael Yudelson: Fitting regression models



  • No meeting


  • Jennifer


  • Danielle


  • Chirayu