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CourseAgent: Share evaluations of IS graduate courses at Pitt and plan your career.

Comet: Share, tag, recommend and schedule interesting talks in Pittsburgh.

Eventur: Share and schedule cultural events in Pittsburgh.



Coming Soon:

at PAWS Lab

PAWS meeting 10/12/2010: Sherry is going to talk about Recommendation Systems!

Conferences' Deadlines

11 January, 2011: Research and Industry Papers - UMAP 2011

12 January, 2011: Full paper submission deadline - AIED 2011

12 January, 2011: Young Researcher's Track submission deadline - AIED 2011

14 January, 2011: Poster papers submission deadline - AIED 2011

14 January, 2011: Interactive Events submission deadline - AIED 2011

18 January, 2011: DC Papers - UMAP 2011

29 January, 2011: Full and Short paper submissions due - Hypertext 2011


UMAP 2011, 19th International Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation, and Personalization, Girona, Spain, July 11-15, 201

AIED 2011, 15th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education, Christchurch, New Zealand, June 27-July 1, 2011

Hypertext 2011, 22nd ACM Hypertext Conference, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, June 6-9, 2011

3rd BooksOnline workshop at the 19th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, CIKM 2010, October 26, 2010. Toronto, Canada

Last News:


Mike's dissertation proposed a novel way of speeding the development of new adaptive hypermedia systems. The gist of the approach is to extract the adaptation functionality out of the adaptive hypermedia system, encapsulate it into a standalone system, and offer adaptation as a service to the client applications. Such standalone adaptation provider reduces the development of adaptation functionality to configuration and compliance and as a result creates new adaptive systems faster and helps serve larger user populations with adaptively accessible content. [details]

2010-09-08 :: Jae-Wook's Thesis Defence: Adaptive Visualization for Focused Personalized Information Retrieval

Jae-wook Ahn's dissertation proposes to incorporate interactive visualization into personalized search in order to overcome the limitation. By combining the personalized search and the interactive visualization, we expect our approach will be able to help users to better explore the information space and locate relevant information more efficiently. [details]