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YourNews system

YourNews is a news recommendation system based on the RSS feeds collected from various news sources. News articles are crawled every two hours, indexed, and then provided to users according to their specific needs.

The personalization for different user interests are made by keeping track of the news articles they had read and storing the information to user models. For different scopes and topics, multiple user models are constructed and maintained, so that users can switch to different user models according to their needs.

One of the core technologies of YourNews is the open user model, where the user models are also visible to users so that they can see what's going on under the hood and even control the contents of them.

Open user model


  • Ahn, J., Brusilovsky, P., Grady, J., He, D., and Syn, S. Y. (2007) Open user profiles for adaptive news systems: help or harm? In: Proceedings of the 16th international conference on World Wide Web, WWW '07, Banff, Canada, May 8-12, 2007, ACM Press, pp. 11-20.