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== Overview ==
== Overview ==
ADAPT<sup>2</sup> (read adapt-square) - Advanced Distributed Architecture for Personalized Teaching and Training - formerly known as Knowledge Tree, is aimed at providing personalization and adaptation services for developers of otherwise not personalized content. The architecture schema is depicted below.
ADAPT<sup>2</sup> (read adapt-square) - Advanced Distributed Architecture for Personalized Teaching and Training - formerly known as Knowledge Tree, is aimed at providing personalization and adaptation services for developers of otherwise not personalized content.
[[Image:adapt2-arcitecture.gif|thumb|'''100'''|ADAPT<sup>2</sup> Architecture]]
[[Image:adapt2-arcitecture.gif|thumb|'''100'''|ADAPT<sup>2</sup> Architecture]]

Revision as of 22:29, 12 February 2009


ADAPT2 (read adapt-square) - Advanced Distributed Architecture for Personalized Teaching and Training - formerly known as Knowledge Tree, is aimed at providing personalization and adaptation services for developers of otherwise not personalized content.

ADAPT2 Architecture

Knowledge Tree

Knowledge Tree is a learning portal that aggregates learning content and structures the courses available for learners. Knowledge Tree authenticates users and maintains user identity records. (more on Knowledge Tree)


Adaptive Shells

Adaptive shells aka value-adding services - are providing adaptation and personalization. They serve as wrappers for learning objects from content servers. Examples of adaptive shells include NavEx, QuizGuide, and Knowledge Sea II.

Content Servers

Content servers provide learning objects for students to interact with. Content servers that work with ADAPT2 include: WebEx, QuizPACK, c/jWADEIn, SQLKnoT, QuizJET (PAWS native), SQLTutor (University of Canterbury, New Zealand) Jeliot (Johensuu University).