From PAWS Lab
ADAPT² RDF Bindings.
The main purpose of this wiki is to map entity-relationship models of applications in ADAPT² architecture to RDF.
This wiki has the following structural units:
- ER Models - describe individual adaptive applications. Each entity and relationship is supplied with a list of suggested RDF bindings
- RDF schemata - describe classes and properties with suggested use in describing entities and relationships of applications. Each schema can have several vocabularies identified by prefixes
- Objects and Entities are shown in boldface
- Properties and relationships - regular face
- Schema is written in upper case, e.g. DC, vocabulary in lower case, e.g. dc, dcterms
- A chain of Object/Property statements is abbreviated with the help of → (right error), e.g. rdf#Description:rdf:Description→rdf#type:rdf:type→rss#channel:rss:channel
- ER Element is RDF-serialized - ✓ (green check-mark)
- RDF Serialization of ER Element is arguably unnecessary - ✗ (red ballot X)
- Decision on RDF serialization needs clarification - ?¿ (bold blue question mark and inverted question mark)
ER Models
- Knowledge Tree - course portal
- WebEx - application serving dissected examples
- ADAPT² PServices - adaptive functionality profider
- QuizPACK
- CUMULATE - Centralized User Modeling Server
RDF Schemata and Vocabularies
- RDF - has single vocabulary rdf
- RDFS - has single vocabulary rdfs
- Dublin Core - has vocabularies dc, dcterms, dcmitypes
- RSS - has single vocabulary rss (here we mean RSS v.1.0)
- FOAF - has single vocabulary foaf
- LOM - has vocabularies lom, lomvoc, lomstruc, lomagglvl, lomstatus, lominttype, lomlrtype, lomintlvl, lomsemden, lominteur, lomcon, lomdiff, lomrole, lombrotech, lomostech, lompurp
Among various RDF schemata and vocabularies there exist overlap in what they actually mean. For example, dc:title, rdf:label, and rss:title all mean the same. We will maintain (our) classes of equivalence as a reference to RDF homonyms.